Refund Policy

Last Updated On: June 28, 2024

Refund Policy

TrueCRM is a transparent and ethical company & expects that its ethics and values are intentionally upheld across. We wish charge customer only if the services are rendered as promised by us or our partner

Below is the category of services and refund policy

FOR OTP verification:

Few of our OTP verification services are free for now but we may charge in future so any unsuccessful verification where the result is not displayed due to any error from website or service provider. We will refund the amount if the amount has been deducted and service request is not complete. To raise a request customer can mail at

For Verification from agency

For all the verification done by agency we keep the payment to our account till the time customer receives the background check document. If customer is not satisfied with the service or the document received by agency, they can report the issue online within 24 hours else we will consider the service rendered are as per desired standard and we will transfer the amount to agency after 24 hours. However, customer still has right to raise the issue within next 7 days and if TrueCRM finds the issue is genuine then we will allow the agency to resolve the same and if not done in decided time. Money will be refunded to customer and same will be adjusted in agencies future payment. To report any issue customer can mail at